CPB Compliance
Public Broadcasting provides KANW with an annual grant and requires KANW to disclose the following information.
1. Station Staff.
Michael Brasher
General Manager
Kevin Otero
Program Director
Heidi Brown
Development Director
2. Board of Directors. KANW is owned by the Board of Education of Albuquerque.
APS Board of Education
A seven-member elected Board of Education serves the educational needs and interests of Albuquerque Public Schools.
Contact the Board
Phone: (505) 880-3739
Email: boarded@aps.edu
Board Members
District 1 - Janelle Astorga
District 2 - Ronalda Tome-Warito
District 3 - Danielle Gonzales
District 4 - Heather Benavidez
District 5 - Crystal Tapia-Romero
District 6 - Josefina E. Domínguez
District 7 - Courtney I. Jackson
3. Community Advisory Board. By law, KANW is not required to have a community advisory board.
4. Open Meetings. All meetings of the Board of Education of Albuquerque Public Schools are open to the public. Information on the date, time and location of the meetings, as well as minutes of past meetings are available here.
New Mexico Opening Meetings Act
5. Most Recent Audited Financial Statements. KANW's most recent audited financial statements are available here.
6. Annual Financial Reports. These reports are made annually to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. A copy of the most recent report is here.
How to submit a request for public records from Albuquerque Public Schools.
7. Employee and Contractor Compensation.
Compensation information comparable to the information outlined in the IRS Form 990 Part VII A and contactor compensation in Part VII B for any grantee that is not required to file its own IRS Form 990.
For the uninitiated, IRS is requesting disclosure of officers and employees (including former officers and employees) making more than $100,000 in annual compensation. “List the organization’s five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee, or key employee) who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the organization and any related organizations.”
There are no such employees or former employees at KANW meeting this criteria. Salaries for all KANW employees are available at this link.
8. Local Content and Services Report. This report, available in late February, will be here.
FY23 Station Activity Report
Station Activity Report
9. Diversity Diversity Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) is a culturally and linguistically responsive, diverse community committed to educational equity for all students. APS provides various levels of support and assistance to students, families, and schools that are appropriate to specific needs. APS students deserve respectful learning environments in which their diversity in all areas of disaggregation is valued and contributes to successful academic outcomes through equitable decisions by the district.
This policy recognizes the institutional issues related to inequitable actions that result in predictably lower academic achievement for students who experience such actions. Understanding and addressing institutional inequity will increase achievement, including on-time graduation, for all students while narrowing the gap between the highest and lowest-performing students.
APS acknowledges that complex societal and historical factors contribute to inequities within a school district. APS must provide all students with the resources, support, and opportunity to succeed. KANW complies with APS Diversity.
Section 505/ADA Compliance: Students
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act/Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance: Employees
Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment: Employees
Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment: Students
Discrimination and Harassment: Employees
Discrimination and Harassment: Students
Disability Harassment: Students
All full-time APS employees have completed online training on the following topics:
Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Prevention
- Browser Security Basics
- Conducting Job Interviews
- Crisis Response & Recovery
- Customer Service
- Cybersecurity
- Discrimination: Avoiding Discriminatory Practices
- Email and Messaging Safety
- Health Emergencies Overview
- Health Emergencies: Diabetes Awareness
- Password Security
- Protection Against Malware
- Reasonable Suspicion for Drug & Alcohol Use in the Workplace
- Sexual Harrassment Staff to Staff
- Sexual Misconduct: Staff to Student
- Threat Assessment
- Workplace Bullying Awareness & Prevention
10. Equal Opportunity Report. KANW has fewer than five employees.
11. Donor Privacy.
Online Privacy Policy
KANW values your participation in our public radio community, both online and offline, and assures you that your privacy is a priority to us. The KANW-FM web site adheres to a strict policy for ensuring the privacy of your personally identifiable information (such as full name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and/or other identifiable information) and preserving the integrity of this online medium.
KANW never sells, exchanges or lends to third parties any addresses, or telephone information you provide when making a contribution.
When You Make an Online Membership Donation
KANW will ask you to provide the information necessary to process and service your membership donation: name, billing and shipping address, telephone number, email address, and credit card number. This information is only seen by our membership staff who process your gift.
When you contribute to KANW online, the information you provide is encrypted using a Secure Socket Layer certificate (SSL) and transferred using secure protocol to KANW where it is stored in a secure database. KANW is CPI Compliant.