Todd Bookman
Todd started as a news correspondent with NHPR in 2009. He spent nearly a decade in the non-profit world, working with international development agencies and anti-poverty groups. He holds a master’s degree in public administration from Columbia University.
A new law in New Hampshire will require anyone registering to vote for the first time in the Granite State to provide documentation they are U.S. citizens, like a birth certificate or passport.
On military bases from Virginia to the Middle East, pistols made by New Hampshire-based Sig Sauer have allegedly fired without a trigger pull, seriously wounding soldiers in some instances.
Some voters in New Hampshire are looking for an alternative to Biden and Trump, former presidents who are both running for re-election. That's leading them to consider Nikki Haley.
A Girl Scout, distressed that the cookies she was selling contained palm oil, went rogue and baked her own to raise money for her troop.
A church in New Hampshire offers the use of ayahuasca. It's one of a small but growing number of retreats where people can use hallucinogens.
The GOP-led legislature passed a map to dramatically redraw the state's two districts. But Republican Gov. Chris Sununu wanted both of the districts to remain competitive.
Activists contend, without proof, that New Hampshire's ballot counting machines can be hacked or rigged. So voters in more than a dozen towns will decide whether to revert to hand counts.
Generations of pinball players and game lovers are remembering Bob Lawton who died at the age of 90. For decades, Lawton was a regular presence at Funspot in Laconia, N.H.
There are only a few occasions where someone needs to rent a tuxedo. And most of those events — proms, weddings — were canceled last year. Now, tux rental stores are getting back to business.
"Wish-cyclers" are donating millions of pounds of broken goods and trash to Goodwill.