Liberal New Mexico lawmakers see friction with moderates

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — Liberal House freshmen came into this legislative session motivated with election victory momentum thanks to Democrats being swept into office across the state.
But by the time the session ended Saturday, some first-term House Democrats openly expressed frustration about a certain group that had halted some of their bills: Senate Democrats.
House freshman said overall they were satisfied with the results from the Democratic-controlled Legislative session which saw measures passed around education spending, renewable energy and gun control.
Still, some House freshmen interviewed by The Associated Press say they were irked by conservative Democrats in the Senate who stalled and tabled more liberal proposals, from abortion to legalizing marijuana to early childhood education.
Bills that would have prevented state law enforcement agencies from cooperating with federal immigration authorities died. So did more ambitious plans to raise taxes and the state's minimum wage.
Those bills perished in Senate committees controlled by conservative Democrats or failed to pass the Senate when some Democrats joined Republicans to defeat the measures.
"We are part of the Ocasio-Cortez class, we have a lot of energy and we want to get things done," first-term Rep. Andrea Romero, D-Santa Fe, said, referring to U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York who also was elected in November. "There was some frustration, definitely. There were some bills that flew out of the House only to die in the Senate."
Rep. Karen Bash, D-Albuquerque, who also is in her first term, said she was disappointed how slow the Senate operated and was surprised Senate Democrats stymied some bills. "It didn't make sense but we are learning," Bash said.
"We found out very quickly the Senate has its own way of doing things," said Rep. Abbas Akhil, D-Albuquerque.
Sen. John Sapien, a Bernalillo Democrat who is part of a coalition of moderates, said the Senate has a responsibility to be deliberate and examine the financial implications of all proposals.
"My district is a 50-50 district," said Sapien, referring to the number of Republican and Democratic voters. "I vote the values of my district and I vote my conscience."
Some House Republicans expressed relief that the Senate blocked some of the more liberal measures.
"Thank God for Senate Democrats," said Rep. Jane Powdrell-Culbert, R-Corrales. "Some of these freshmen really thought Senate Democrats would think their ideas were the best inventions since ice cream. Doesn't work like that."
Liberal House members especially complained about Sen. John Arthur Smith, D-Deming, who chairs the powerful Senate Finance Committee. Smith didn't hold a hearing on a House-passed measure to legalized marijuana and refused to move along a bill that would have allowed voters to decide whether to tap the state's permanent land fund to finance early childhood education expansions.
Sapien said he and other Senate Democrats appreciate Smith's attention to financial details. "He has my full support," Sapien said.
Romero said the Senate Democrats, who last ran in 2016, haven't had to face voters as anger has risen over the policies and actions by Republican President Donald Trump.
"People are watching," Romero said. "People are taking notes."
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